Sunday, February 1, 2009

Add a little zest.

The Lemon Life is a full service online destination for the un or underemployed. Facing the reality of a post-graduate life is isolating, confusion, and anxiety ridden. Everyone goes through this phase but few ever talk about it -  until now. The lemon Life picks up where your teachers, guidance counselors, parents and professors left off. It's a motivating interactive and informative online community geared to help you through the daunting task of leading the life you want to lead. So when you looks at the lemons life gave you after graduation - rejection, disappointment, frustration - The Lemon Life helps you turn the sour into the sweet and restores your zest for life.

The Lemon Life. Post-graduate with a twist. 

Join the group on Facebook now! For more information or to become a contributing writer email 


Meghan and Lana said...

Is this like sweet spot but lemonspot???

Did you win????


Kristen said...

Hah no. A friend of lauren's started it and I'm helping to give a shout out.